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2019 Supply Chain Summit: Ken Murawski, ANAE IDN Workshop

Guest speakers for the 2019 Supply Chain Summit came from across the country to provide National Account Executives with the knowledge for “getting ahead” in a market that’s constantly changing. A major area in question was how to navigate GPOs and IDNs, and understanding acquisitions and consolidations.


Ken Murawski, President and Founder of Healthcare Links, is a leader in sales and marketing resources focused on Corporate Accounts and matching companies with cost effective products and services to major alliances, IDNs and GPOs. For 16 years, Murawski oversaw Kendall Healthcare’s handling of a variety of products through the acute and alternate care markets, with the last 3 years as their director of National Accounts. Murawski had profit and sales responsibility for over 20 national and regional buying groups and $300 million in group sales.


“We talked about mergers, acquisitions, and consolidation. Think about IDNs as consolidating under one umbrella, and for those that are very integrated, it’s a great opportunity to get more purchasing power under one umbrella,” explains Murawski.


Can read more details here.

​Author: Ken Murawski


Ken Murawski founded HealthCare Links in March of 1993 with a simple mission: to become a sales/marketing resource focused on Corporate Accounts–matching companies with cost effective products and services to major Healthcare Systems, Alliances, Integrated Delivery Networks and Group Purchasing Organizations.


Call me if you’d like to discuss a strategy that works for you. 914 953-9363.

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